Friday, August 20, 2010


You can create your own Kale chip special for customers that are referred from your websites,  ranging from free kale chips with any order to set a limit that orders must be above a certain amount. 

Create your own item code to make it unique to your followers/customers.  Code MUST end in Kale0810.

This special end at the end of August, so act fast.

For example code could be: RawFoodRehabKale0810

The kale chips available are: Crispy Kale Chips, Raw Zesty Nacho
Crispy Kale Chips, Raw Bombay Curry  

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Natural Zing Affiliate Winners for July

$100 Natural Zing gift certificate goes to Shannon Sharpe for the most Natural Zing Product Reviews in July.  Shannon at

$50 Natural Zing gift certificate goes to Penni Shelton for the Most Improved sales in July.  Penni makes improvement every month, but this month she increased her sales by just over 40%.
Penni at

$10 Natural Zing gift certificate and Honorable Mention for Most Improved Sales in July.  (I don't always do this,  but this month I felt like this other affiliate deserved some mention and a $10 gift certificate to Natural Zing.
  •  Dalia Cohn at  for the highest individual sale... the individual order was $1,520.00.   Congratulations Dalia!!!!