Tuesday, January 31, 2012

FREE PRODUCT - Great Affiliate Only Specials

Here are this month's affiliate specials.   These are some great deals that you'll want to share with your followers.

February Affiliate Specials below. (good until February 29, 2012)

Free Dried Apples 4oz (raw, organic) with order of $25 or more
Promo Code: (affiatename)_Freedriedapples25_212

Free Organic Vegan Food Bar with order of $30 or more
Promo Code: (affiliatename)_Freeveganbar30_212
Free Raw Food Reference Chart - Detoxification with order of $40 or more.
Promo Code:(affiatename)_FreeDetoxchart40_212

Free Raw Food Reference Chart - Lifestyle with order of $40 or more
Promo Code: (affiatename)_Freelifestylechart40_212

Free Raw Food Reference Chart - Juicing with order of $40 or more
Promo Code: (affiatename)_Freejuicingchart40_212

All 8 Raw Food Reference Charts FREE with order of $250 or more
Promo Code: (affiatename)_Freeallrawfoodcharts250_212
Free Bio-Fermented Brown Rice Protein Powder (raw, organic), 16 oz  with orders of $140 or more.
Promo Code: (affiatename)_FreeBrownRice16140_212

Remember FREE SHIPPING on orders $125 or more. No code needed.

Instructions: Please promote to your members and lists. You can customize the promo code to your website/blog/ning name, please keep the ending the same as indicated above. Feel free to use our images to promote our products. Instruct your members to go through your link to get the deal and to place promo code in comments area at check out. One promo code per order. The free product will not automatically appear in their cart or on their sales receipt, but will be added to their order when processed. Thank you!

Natural Zing's Raw Food Chef Program

Raw food chef’s can make additional income by selling raw food kitchen tools and raw foods to students at events (i.e. classes), by helping students set up their kitchens and pantries with raw food tools and food supplies, and by offering on going support to their students.

Natural Zing is a perfect partner and resource to as you help your students find and obtain the supplies/food they need to be successful in the raw diet.


1. Sell at your event. Set up a wholesale account with Natural Zing and have some popular kitchen tools and supplies available for students to buy at your event.

2. Set up an affiliate relationship with Natural Zing where you can earn 10% commission on orders taken at your event or for orders that your students place through your affiliate link. Note: Kitchen appliances earn a 3% commission (blenders, juicers, dehydrators, etc).

How this works:

1. At the Event: Have Natural Zing catalog at your event for your students with order forms. Take student orders at the event. After the event place the orders through your affiliate link as if you are the student (with their credit card information). The items are shipped directly to the students and you receive 10% commission or the orders.

2. On Going Commissions: You can also email your affiliate link to your students after or before the event to encourage more orders through your link. Once that student places an order through your affiliate link, you will receive ongoing commissions on all future orders. You can also put the affiliate link on your website (if you have one).

3. Setting up someone’s kitchen: Order everything you need through your affiliate link and it mailed directly to your customer’s home, so it is ready for you when you arrive to set up their kitchen. Send your customers and email or direct them to order through your website for future supplies that can’t be found locally. ** We are working on a way that your customers can plug in your affiliate number on our order screen if they do not go through your link for their 1st purchase. If they insist on calling the order into us, please request that they mention your name.

How to set up a wholesale account: Request a wholesale set up sheet by email or phone: info@naturalzing.com or 1-866-729-9464.  Please fax in the attached wholesale set up form or email the information requested.

How to set up an affiliate account: www.NaturalZing.com/idevaffiliate/

Wholesale Accounts:

For those who have a café, a store, are manufacturing raw food products, or have a health practice where you sell to your patients and health students, you can set up a wholesale account with Natural Zing.

To request a wholesale set up sheet by email or phone: info@naturalzing.com or 1-866-729-9464

Monday, January 30, 2012

Two-tier affiliate program


Affiliate program structure whereby affiliates earn commissions on their conversions as well as conversions of webmasters they refer to the program.


In a two-tier affiliate program, the first tier of commission is the same as in a regular affiliate program. The only difference is the additional tier(s), whereby marketers also earn a commission on sales generated by people they referred to the program.

Questions from affiliate:
So with tiers we can actually bring others in on a second tier under us?

How do the percentages work?
The percentage is 25% of the original commission. Check out the FAQs on tiers and the training video. That has more info too.

FREE affiliate training

In today's economy it is always better to have income coming from a variety of sources.  Our affiliate program is an easy way to do this.  The best way to make more money in our affiliate program is to attract more sales.  "But how?"  With a little time and a little effort you can be making more money through our affiliate program.  "What do I do?"

We offer lots of training for you to learn just how to find the traffic, make more sales and earn more commissions.  Below is a screen shot of the training page in our affiliate software program.   These are training videos available online --- FREE for you paid for my Natural Zing.  So please take advantage of this valuable resource.   There is something for everyone, beginners and advanced online marketers.

How to find this training page:

In your affiliate account look on the left hand side under Training Materials.
Then look just under that in RED letters it says "Watch Training Videos". Click to find the menu and watch away!

Thank you,

Helen Rose