Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Affiliate Marketing and Raw Food Education

1)  I've recently had two new affiliates ask me about how to create product specific links.  I'm always happy to walk you through how to create these like I did for them, but if you would like to try it on your own please go to this link

Here are some examples of this:

You can also create a customized link by category.  

2) Take advantage of our free online marketing training.  You can find this one the left hand side of your menu when you log into your affiliate account.  Great training all free to you!

3) Don't forget to check out our new products

4)  Feel free to call our customer service staff with questions about our products.  We're open M-F 9am to 6pm EST. 1-888-729-9464.

5) Sign up for our newsletter to find out about new products, featured products, specials, and more Newsletter sign-up

6) Natural Zing's Blog has articles about products, recipes, and much much more. Visit our blog.

7) Visit our Affiliate Blog for training, monthly affiliate only specials, and more.

1 comment:

Samual said...

Thanks for posting such useful information. There are a number of pluses to affiliate marketing but there is one that always tops the list. This is that affiliate marketing can be done without a lot of start up money.